The importance of writing classes

The importance of good writing for the present days goes beyond the daily exchange of messages on social networks. Writing with quality is associated with important careers, high positions and [...]

Kaizen Recruitment open day helps students to get a job in Ireland

SEDA Jobs Club has been running some recruitment events over the months of June and July. This time, Kaizen Recruitment will come to the school to help students find a job in Ireland. Check out [...]

The importance of grammar classes

Some people hate it, some people love it, but the truth is that grammar is by far one of the most important things in the English learning process people have to come across. If an English [...]

8 most common mistakes in your exchange

Studying abroad is many people’s biggest dream, but sometimes the high expectation, the lack of a good planning or even insecurity might turn a great opportunity for personal and [...]

Walking tour with SEDA College

As soon as the students get here in Dublin, they might feel a little bit confused with many different locations and places. Sometimes they even feel uncomfortable to go somewhere because they are [...]

The importance of conversation classes

Speaking is definitely the most difficult skill people have to come across when they are learning a new language. Sometimes native speakers or even classmates bring up some topics we are not used [...]

Go beyond English: get to know SEDA Languages

After more than 10 years of experience teaching English to students from all around the world, SEDA College, a leading language school in Dublin, starts a new programme that goes beyond English [...]

5 tips to improve your listening

Listening is by far one of the most difficult skills that people who are learning another language have to come across. It is essential to have accurate listening in order to keep a good [...]

SEDA College innovates by creating a jobs club to help students find jobs in Ireland

Everybody’s first three months in Dublin is hard due to many different things that students have to worry about. Getting a job is definitely one of them, once Ireland allows students who hold a [...]

Things you shouldn’t do if you are going to study English in Ireland

We constantly talk about what you should do when you start the organization process of your exchange to Ireland, but the time has come to go through what really matters and tell you what kind of [...]

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