SEDA takes you to LinkedIn in Dublin. Find out how to participate!

Have you ever imagined visiting one of the most important companies in the world? And what if this company is the leader of job, business and employment-oriented social media? YEAH, SEDA takes [...]

Check out the February extra activities calendar!

Although February is the shortest month in the calendar, it brings in itself a wide range of special dates to celebrate and have fun such as Valentine’s Day and Chinese New Year. For this we have [...]

Looking for a job? Aviva Stadium is hiring in Dublin

Aviva Stadium is always recruiting for their upcoming match series. So, if you are looking for a job in Dublin put this information in your schedule: the next Open Recruitment Day is in the next [...]

Halloween: check out how our pumpkin carving extra class was!

Halloween is almost here! So, we had a pumpkin carving extra class this month. Check out some pictures and an amazing video! – READ MORE: Get ready: Halloween is almost here – Watch [...]

O que é o Age Card e pra que serve?

Com a vida noturna agitada como é a da capital irlandesa, não é nem um pouco difícil encontrar vários pubs e festas para se divertir. Se você é um amante de cerveja, por exemplo, não há melhor [...]

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