Get prepared to do the TIE Exam at SEDA College! TIE is an international EFL exam developed in Ireland by a group of Irish English language professionals.It can be taken by junior and adult students on either short or long term courses in Ireland as well as abroad. We prepare our students in our Beginner (A0) and Elementary (A1) classes to achieve high results in TIE!
At SEDA College we prepare students for the TIE exam in our Beginner (A0) and Elementary (A1) classes.
We use the communicative method to prepare students not only for the exam, but also to use English outside of the classroom.
Our exam classes are dynamic and focus on the four language skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

TIE is a learner-centred exam that is flexible, i.e., designed to recognise and accommodate the needs and interests of each learner, whatever their level of English, age, cultural or educational background.
The test is task-based with the content chosen by each individual learner and, therefore, can be used to assess learners with different needs and motivations.
It shows prospective employers that the holder of this certificate has successfully completed an English language course.
Any Elementary or beginner student who wants to get their first English Language Certificate may register to do this Exam. To register, please fill in the form on the side.