My first volunteer work day with Serve the City

 In Blog, Social Activities

When I came to Ireland I heard about this social activity at SEDA but I never went before because it was on Saturday at 9 am in the morning and that means that I had to give up my lie in! Then I said to myself, just try once… I did it and when I was there with my team I knew I wouldn’t stop!

Volunteer Work

When we arrived at the place Laura from Serve the City welcomed us and explained the situation. The task was simple, we were about to enter the house of an elderly and anxious man who was living alone since his mother had passed away. He wanted us to help him clean the garden so it could be beautiful again, like when his mother took care of it.



We passed through the beautiful house and found the jungle that was supposed to become a beautiful garden in just a few hours. We put on the gardening work gloves and we divided the tasks.





At the end of the day I was dirty, tired and exhausted but I made new friends with whom I had a connection. We realized that helping others made us feel human and happy and all for a few hours work and a bus ticket.


Now I regret not doing it before and I hope our experience helps others to volunteer and give themselves the satisfaction of doing it just once.


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