Mexico’s Independence Day

 In Blog, Social Activities

At SEDA College, we know how difficult it is to be far away from home. With SEDA you will never feel alone because you will be part of a big team.

We celebrate Mexico’s Independence Day, on this day we remember the dedication and commitment of the people who fought for freedom. Our Mexican students, along with Karen, Claudia and Melisa, organized a typical Mexican party that is known as “Kermes” where they show typical handmade clothes.

Also there were traditional games such as “las sillitas”, “las botellas” and the famous civil registration. Tasting the food is one of the best ways to get to know a culture: fresh water horchata and Jamaica flavour, guacamole, flautas, sopes, salpicón, mole and for desert “arroz con leche” milk rice.



At the end some students played karaoke with beautiful Mexican songs like “cileito lindo”. They could not forget an icon like Juan Gabriel, RIP.

A great day to learn and a good moment to remember.

“If we cannot do anything to change the past, let’s do something in the present to change the future.” – Victoriano Huerta, ex-president of Mexico.


This is Mexico, this is SEDA Power! – Live your dreams.


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