FCE exam can get you the job of your dreams

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Ex-SEDA student Gisele Milagre landed a dream job in a large multinational company – all thanks to her Cambridge FCE exam certificate.

By Fabio Souza

Ex-SEDA student Gisele Milagre landed a top job in Brazil thanks to her FCE exam certificateHow much time did you spend in Dublin?

1 year and 7 months.


Why did you decide to do the FCE exam?

I was planning to return to Brazil and find a job there. FCE is an international certificate issued by Cambridge University, recognised around the world. This certificate could help me achieve my professional goals and prove how much I improved my English. FCE is accepted by over 20,000 employees in 130 countries.


Why did you do the FCE and not a different exam?

It was my first time doing an external exam and I chose FCE because it would help me get more employment opportunities.


Preparation is key

How did you prepare for the FCE test?

A lot of my studies at SEDA focused on the FCE exam. I did mock tests, conversation classes and a lot of exercises. At FCE exam, you have to show proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking English to a very high standard, so it was very important to practice every day.


Do you have any tips for students thinking about doing the FCE exam?

The most important thing is time: keep an eye on the clock! Each part of the FCE is timed, so when you practice always keep a timer handy. Reading and Speaking mock exams are very important and, finally, try to be confident on the day of the test.


How did FCE help you get a job?

I arrived in Brazil in December – it’s a fairly quiet month for job openings, but I did a few interviews and my FCE result helped me prove to employers that my English language skills are up to the high, professional standard that would be needed to work in an English-speaking environment. In the end, I got the job in my professional area and FCE exam helped me.



Where do you work now?
I’m working in a multinational company as a Business Consultant in Human Resources and I am responsible for foreign employees. I am now using my English every day!


Originally published in SEDA News
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