Why choose the CertTESOL from Trinity College London
The Trinity College London CertTESOL course (Certificate in Teaching English as a Second/ Other Language) is designed for those with little or no experience of teaching English. It is a practically-oriented course that provides you with the skills and accreditation needed to qualify for employment teaching English as a second or foreign language to adults in Ireland, the UK or overseas.
Trinity’s CertTESOL is accepted by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland), the British Council and other international institutions as an appropriate qualification for teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language in Ireland. It is a requirement that teachers must have this qualification – or its equivalent – in order to teach adult learners who are studying English in Ireland on an International Student visa (ILEP listed).
Trinity’s CertTESOL is regulated by Ofqual (Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) in England, CCEA Regulation in Northern Ireland and by Qualifications Wales.

At SEDA you can choose a flexible timetable to complete the Trinity College London CertTESOL in either four weeks or seven weeks.
The course provides an insight into teaching English to adults and teaches the necessary skills to enable you to go in to a classroom and begin your own career as an English Language Teacher.
Candidates must meet the following criteria to be accepted on the course:
♦ QQI recognised Level 7 qualification or equivalent Undergraduate degree.
Please note, a Level 7 University qualification is a requirement to work as an English Language Teacher in Ireland. Candidates may join the CertTESOL course without a Level 7 qualification if they can show relevant experience, skills and aptitudes, but must be aware that they will not comply with Irish employment standards.
♦ Aged over 18
♦ C1 English proficiency
♦ Must be willing to work effectively within the group and to respond constructively to feedback on personal performance
♦ Must successfully complete pre-course task as well as an entrance interview
♦ At SEDA you will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience of teaching English to multilingual adult groups.
♦ As well as being a recognised exam centre for Trinity College London ISE exams, and a recognised training centre for the CertTESOL, SEDA College is accredited by Accreditation and Co-ordination of English Language Services (ACELS), which is part of QQI.
♦ SEDA is also accredited by EAQUALS, the leading professional association for language education throughout the world.
4-week Intensive
7-week Part-time
Initial Teacher Training course
♦ 130 timetabled hours of classes and teaching practice
♦ 90 supervised hours of instruction, observation and feedback
♦ 6 hours of teaching practice
♦ 4 hours of guided teaching observation
This is an intensive course with a high level of input and feedback. Places are limited to a maximum of 15 trainees.
1. Knowledge of the main grammatical, lexical and phonological features of a standard English.
2. Awareness of the learning needs of individuals or groups of learners, and of the motivation of learners in a variety of cultures and contexts.
3. Ability to establish rapport and create and maintain learners’ interest.
4. Ability to draw up a range of lesson plans with clear and achievable aims, using appropriate methods for learners with various needs.
5. Ability to manage and stimulate active participation among a class of learners and provide a relevant learning environment and learning opportunities in relation to their learning objectives.
6. Ability to evaluate, use and adapt published material and create simple teaching material, which may include using the internet, visual aids, audio, video, and information communication/ learning technology (ICT/ILT).
7. Broad understanding of the main advantages and disadvantages of various language teaching approaches.
8. Ability to evaluate your own effectiveness as teachers and to work co-operatively as members of a teaching team and group.
9. Awareness of the need to continue your development as ESOL teachers.
10. Awareness of the means of finding a TESOL post after training and of the main issues relevant to employment in this area.
Course Dates and Study Timetable 2023
Course start & end dates
Course times
Course Start Date: Monday 14 March
Course End Date: Friday 29 April
7 Weeks Part-Time
3 weeks (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
4 weeks (1 pm to 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
Course Start Date: Monday 09 May
Course End Date: Friday 24 June
7 Weeks Part-Time
3 weeks (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
4 weeks (1 pm to 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
Course Start Date: Monday 04 July
Course End Date: Friday 26 August
8 Weeks Part-Time
3 weeks (4:30 pm – 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
4 weeks (1 pm to 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
+ 1 week of holidays from 8 to 12 August
Course Start Date: Monday 05 September
Course End Date: Friday 21 October
7 Weeks Part-Time
3 weeks (4:30 – 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
4 weeks (1 pm to 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
Course Start Date: Monday 05 September
Course End Date: Friday 30 September
4 Weeks Full-time
(9:30 am – 4:30 pm x 5 days per week)
Course Start Date: Tuesday 01 November
Course End Date: Friday 16 December
7 Weeks Part-Time
3 weeks (4:30 – 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)
4 weeks (1 pm to 6:30 pm x 5 days per week)

Course Fee: €1100
This includes the Trinity College London moderation fee and 1 course book
If a place on the CertTESOL course is cancelled fewer than 14 days before the commencement of the course, the full course fee will be charged.
Deposit €400 (Non-Refundable) payable on successful completion of the entrance interview.
Course Assessment
This course is assessed both internally by SEDA College and externally by Trinity College London. The Trinity College London classification of the certificate is pass/ fail. Additional certification from SEDA is provided using the following criteria:
2 or more TPs marked Above Level; high marks across all assignments; independence and professionalism demonstrated exceptionally throughout the course
1 or more TPs marked Above Level (provided all TPs are passed); high marks in at least two assignments; independence and professionalism demonstrated throughout the course
Pass mark obtained for all units
Pass mark not obtained for all units
* Candidates must achieve a pass mark in the externally assessed Unit 4 in order to be awarded the certificate.
Assessment Method by Unit
Trainees are assessed on their lesson planning, classroom management, language presentation and self-evaluation skills; their Teaching Practice Portfolio and Guided Observation Journal.
rainees will sit a language awareness test in the third week. This test covers the lexical, grammatical and phonological features of English as introduced on the course. Trainees must also demonstrate a high degree of language awareness in their lesson planning and teaching practice. This will be assessed as part of continuous appraisal.
This is a project-based assessment.
This is a project-based assessment.
This is externally assessed by Trinity College London.
This is assessed through the learning journal.
How to make a CertTESOL complaint
✓ In the first instance, you should speak to your tutor / course director or centre manager/principle about the complaint.
✓ For the CertTESOL, if your complaint is about the delivery or assessment of Unit 1 (Teaching Practice), Unit 2 (Language Awareness & Skills), Unit 3 (Learner Profile) or Unit 5 (Unknown Language), then you need to go through your centre’s complaints process. If your complaint does not get resolved after following this process, you can let Trinity know by following their complaints procedure and they will do their best to help.
✓ If your complaint is about Unit 4 (Materials Assignment) or the conduct of the moderator, please follow the Trinity College London CertTESOL complaints procedure to ensure that they can correctly log and act upon your complaint.