From São Paulo Police Officer to SEDA College Honour Roll Awardee

Meet Antonio Carlos Marques Filho, a remarkable individual who has embarked on an extraordinary journey from being a police officer in São Paulo, Brazil, to receiving an honour at SEDA College in Ireland. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Antonio’s inspiring story, his reasons for moving to Ireland, and his experiences along the way.

Antonio’s Dream and Career in Brazil

Antonio, now 26 years old, had always harbored a dream of living abroad, immersing himself in a different culture, and learning new customs and ways of life. However, financial constraints initially prevented him from pursuing this dream. At the age of 20, Antonio decided to become a Police Officer in the São Paulo Military Police, fulfilling a childhood dream. Over the course of five intense years, he gained invaluable experience, facing difficult situations, engaging in pursuits, making arrests, and even encountering life-threatening situations.

These years of service not only honed his professional skills but also played a significant role in his personal growth. Antonio met his wife, Ana Marques Dacome, during this period, and together they navigated the ups and downs of life. Despite his love for the job, Antonio began to realize that the low salary, lack of government-provided healthcare, and the inherent dangers of the job were not worth the risk to his life.

The Plan for Change

Determined to create a better life for himself and his wife, Antonio devised a plan. A year in advance, he and Ana worked tirelessly, saving money for their future. Antonio worked gruelling 80-hour weeks, both regular hours and overtime, to make their dream a reality. He reached out to SEDA College, signed the necessary contracts, and diligently followed their advice and guidance.

Finding Accommodation with Dogs

One of the challenges Antonio and Ana faced was finding suitable accommodation that could accommodate their two beloved dogs, Princess and Melinda. Using the website, they connected with an Irish family—a warm-hearted woman and her son—who not only welcomed them but also adored their furry companions.

The Arrival in Ireland

On July 3, 2023, Antonio, Ana, Princess, and Melinda arrived in Ireland. They were warmly received, and their Irish host treated them like family. Antonio wasted no time and immediately applied for a position as a Store Assistant at Aldi. Within the first month of their arrival, he successfully secured the job.

Honour Roll Poster

SEDA College: Guiding the Way

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Antonio credits much of their successful transition to Ireland to SEDA College. He diligently followed every step, sought advice when needed, and found unwavering support throughout the entire process. Thanks to SEDA College, Antonio and Ana have been able to settle into their new life in Ireland with ease.

Antonio Carlos’ journey from being a police officer in São Paulo to becoming an honour roll awardee at SEDA College in Ireland is a testament to his determination and unwavering commitment to creating a better life for himself and his family. His story serves as an inspiration to all who dare to dream and work hard to turn those dreams into reality.