Início Stories SEDA DREAM: the entrepreneur Lucas Riani and the importance of English in...

SEDA DREAM: the entrepreneur Lucas Riani and the importance of English in business

In this post you will hear the story of another of our SEDA DREAM winners. SEDA Dream is SEDA College’s unique scholarship program, and in March 2017, 10 lucky winners  were chosen to study English at SEDA College in Dublin. Find more information here, and the other interviews here and here.

The dream of living in other country was something Lucas Riani, 29, had always had, but it wasn’t until he applied to the SEDA Dream program that he was able to make this dream a reality.

Now Lucas is in the final stages of his preparation for his big adventure, because he will arrive in Dublin in January 2018 to study English at SEDA College.


From Rio Claro, Lucas lives at Sao Paulo. There he is studying Business Management and Innovation and he already has experience in the area.

He is currently working in customer service at the Brazilian Association of Startups (ABStartups), a non-profit organization whose mission is to “foster the development of the national ecosystem of technological entrepreneurship, increasing the competitiveness of Brazilian startups globally”. “I believe that the exchange of experiences, moments and cultures are the core values of life, and in this case, of my work . I work to connect people who share the same purpose, “he says.


Working in this environment, Lucas has met many people he admires. Unfortunately, one of those encounters did not go according plan, but this experience served to show Lucas the crucial importance of English in his life.

He says that he has always wanted to live outside his home country, and since childhood there he has always had a desire to be in contact with different cultures and people from different cultural backgrounds. It was in October 2016 that this will intensified and prompted him to act.

“I had the opportunity to dine alongside two very influential and respected people in the global innovation ecosystem: JD Peterson, Trello CMO; and Cris O’Neil, CEO of Evernote. However, they spoke only English and I spent the whole meal unable to communicate with them”, he recalls.

From there, the dream of learning English became something of an  obligation, making an exchange experience essential. After that fateful night when he pet Peterson and O’Neil, Lucas began organising a trip to an English-speaking country to be made in 2019, but with the help of the SEDA Dream program, his dream is going to become a reality much sooner.

“When I received the news that I had been chosen as one of the 10 winners,, I immediately recalled my sense of helplessness as I sat alongside the two Americans talking. Every opportunity I could not take advantage of because of my inability to speak English suddenly flashed before my eyes. I could see vividly the problems that I had finally found the solution too, and this brought an enormous sense of relief, happiness, and gratitude”, he recalls.

Lucas will come to Dublin to study for three months, but he is already scheduling three more, and it is his plan spend the first half of 2018 in Ireland. “The country was already an option for me, I know a lot of people who went there and it is very well recommended,” he points out.


His main exchange goal is to return to Brazil having achieved proficiency in the language. But he also says he wants to see more of  Ireland and of Europe, as it is his first time to visit the continent.

In addition, Lucas also wants to learn more about the innovation ecosystem in Ireland, understand the practices and initiatives,  and share the benefit of the experiences that he has had in Brazil. For him, it will be an exchange of culture and innovation.

“I have been reading a lot about Ireland, about SEDA College, and I’m sure it will be an indescribable experience,” he says.

Have you also noticed the importance of English to your professional and personal prospects; are you also planning an exchange to ensure you don’t miss out on any more opportunities because you can’t speak the language? We asked Lucas for some tips for future exchange students, check them out:

– Get organized. Make financial accounts, think about organize your time carefully, make sure that the time you will spend abroad will be enough to meet your your needs. Make sure to tie up any loose ends at home before you leave; complete everything that needs doing so that your boss, colleagues, friends or family are ready for your absence – this will allow you to focus more on your exchange objectives;

– Create specific goals to be achieved and establish a clear vision of and expectation for the significant personal and professional project that is an exchange program;  without a clear vision and plan,  it will always remain a dream. Help yourself to make it a reality!

Feeling inspired by Lucas’ story? Come and make your dream a reality with us! Contact us at