SEDA College extra activities for March

Ready for the activities in March? SEDA College prepared a lot of news for you enjoy this time with our school!

Let’s go, check?

Grammar class – 1st / 22th/ 29th

“Some people hate it, some people love it, but the truth is that grammar is by far one of the 

most important things in the English learning process”

If an English learner can easily handle grammar issues, probably this person will have no problems with writing, listening and reading as well, because basically, these skills require a lot of grammar from the student.

Get more info about exchange programs in Ireland

Conversation class – 03td / 10th/ 24th/ 31th

Speaking is definitely the most difficult skill to master when learning a new language. 

Sometimes native speakers or even classmates bring up some topics we are not used to talking about.  You might feel frustrated with the words that fail you and want to be better at showing empathy and understanding when speaking English.

Basically, that is the reason why we offer our students a weekly conversation class – because we understand that fluency is nothing but practising. 

Go for it!

Seda Jobs Club – 02th/  07th/ 16th

On 02, 07 and 16, we will be having big companies to help you find a job and will also be launching the Seda Jobs Club recruitment platform.

Don’t miss out!

French Class – Beginner 04th / 25th

French is a very spoken language in the world, that`s why SEDA College wants to give this start to our students!

Would you like to speak french?

International Women’s Day Workshop – 08th

To celebrate International Women’s day, we are promoting a Workshop to explain why this data exists and the importance to remember it. 

IELTS Preparation – 04/02

Are you not feeling totally comfortable with your upcoming exams? 

This is exactly what you need! In this class, you can get some important tips that will help you out a lot so as not to fail your exams. 

This is your time. You can do it!

St. Patrick’s Day 14th/ 17th/ 18th

On 14th we going to do a functional activity to our students stretch and get ready for St. Patrick’s day.

On the 17th and 18th will be celebrations all over the city of the patron of Ireland.

Bartender Class 22th 

Fast Tracking bartender skills.

In this course you will learn:

– Bartender Roles & Responsibilities

– Bar set up (Garnishes, Shakers, Ice)

– Basic techniques (Jigger, Free pour, Shaking, Stirring, Building)

– Bartending in Ireland, around the world and how to get a job

Course Price: EUR 35

Reference material provided.

*All the students SEDA will have a 30% discount for the Bartender Complete Course at Beco bar.

Open Canada 24th / 31th

We are going to promote this event to our students to learn more about Canada and the options to emigrate.

Fit Dance 28th

We are inviting our students to dance with us this day, so we can have a good time together. 

Let’s go?

CV Class  

Come to learn how to build a CV to call the attention of the interviewers in Ireland.

So, tell us which activity are you excited about? We hope to see you there!

Click here to check all the activities.