May Activity Calendar: a month full of activities

SEDA’s extra activities calendar has become a tradition. Every month it comes full of varied activities to complement the English language learning process. This month, May activity calendar brought several new features. Loads of workshops, different classes, and tours apart from the traditional ones such as conversation class, grammar class, pronunciation class, and the classes for the external exams. Check out below:

Cybersecurity Workshop: Recent cases involving countries, security agencies and private companies in the technology sector and the leakage of information from Internet users have been warning people more and more about a constant dilemma of modernity: the cyber surveillance. So we decided to bring this workshop to discuss the importance and care to be taken when it comes to technology and cybersecurity. It will happen in Wednesday, 2nd at 4:30 pm in room 01.

Sign Language: As discussed in previous classes, the importance of communication through sign language transcends barriers and widens our horizons even further. Enjoy the chance to learn a little bit more about this new and amazing world of the sign language. Next Thursday, 4:30 pm in room 14.

Muay Thai Class: Muay Thai is a very cultivated martial art in some Asian countries, especially in Thailand. It’s a sport that requires a lot of concentration and discipline. For this reason, every Friday in May, we will have Muay Thai classes at 4:30 pm. The three first classes will be in the Student Lounge. Come in with appropriate clothes and have fun. The great new is that the last class will be a fighting circuit in Phoenix Park. Enjoy!

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Studies Group: In order to further strengthen the learning process of English, this month we will have a group of studies where the students will help each other, regardless of their level of English. Students should bring their books and their notebooks for notes. It’s going to happen on the first Saturday of May, and it starts at 10 am in the Student Lounge. Come and enjoy this amazing opportunity to learn even more.

Meditation Class: The benefits of meditation for the body and mind are uncountable. It improves the body disposition, combat fatigue, it improves concentration and so much more. So we decided to bring this class to our calendar since we know of the difficulties that an exchange student have to come across. This class will take place on Wednesday 09th at 4:30 pm in room 01. Bring your mat or your towel and enjoy this opportunity to be well with your body and your mind. Remember: corpus sanus mens sana. Healthy body, healthy mind.

Russian Class: The world cup is coming and Russian is the official language of the host country. How about preparing for this mega event and learning a little more about this language, full of history, tradition, and peculiarities. Come and enjoy this opportunity. The classes will be held on the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st of this month at 4:20 pm in room 14. Enjoy the classes.

READ MORE: SEDA College Online releases Essential Russian For The World Cup course

Functional Traning Class: Have you thought about having two personal trainers available to assist you and give you tips to improve your sports performance or even start a healthier life? Now you have this chance! In May activity calendar, we will have two classes focused on the aid and the support to sports practice. The classes will take place on the 17th and 31st of this month at 4:30 pm in the Student Lounge. Have fun!

Aviva Stadium Tour: Aviva is one of the most popular stadiums in Ireland. Place of important matches of local teams and even the Irish national team. So, how about getting to know Aviva Stadium on this tour with SEDA? Come with us and find out more. It will happen on the 19th. Book at the reception. It costs €7.

SEDA Cinema: To further complement the classes, this month we will offer our students films and documentaries for the purpose of instructing them to current issues. The aim is to give the students the possibility to be able to form an opinion and to discuss in English on the most varied subjects of the present time. Stay tuned because there will be a post dedicated specifically to SEDA Cinema. It will take place in the third week of May, from Monday to Thursday at 4:30 pm in the Student Lounge. Make sure you take your place and make the most of your chance to improve your English.

Origami Class: Origami art is one of the most traditional in Japanese culture. The schools teach children early on how to use their creativity to produce the best and most diverse origami. With that in mind, we decided to bring two classes this month that will take place on May 23rd and 30th at 4:30 pm in room 01. Have fun!


Archaeology Class: Archeology has enormous importance in discovering what has occurred in the past. This month we decided to bring a class directed to the study of this incredible science. This class will take place on the 25th at 4:30 pm in Room 01.

Voluntary Work Day: Like every month, May’s voluntary work will day happen on the 26th and the opportunity to help people is always very interesting. Join the volunteer’s army and receive a certificate at the end of the program. Help people and help yourself.

Video Game World Cup: If you like to play video-game, don’t miss this opportunity. In the SEDA video-game world cup, the students will face each other in direct qualifiers: one single defeat and the competition is over. The winner will win a dinner to celebrate the Hamburger Day. Good luck!

Barista Course: The barista course is back in the month of May with that affordable price. This is your opportunity to specialize in one of the areas that give good job opportunities in Dublin. The course costs 25 euro and is divided into two classes: theory and practice. Book at the reception!

So that’s it, guys. Enjoy May Activity Calendar as much as you can, after all, every month here in Ireland has to be unforgettable.

See you!