Início SEDA news March activities calendar: Celebrate the St. Patrick’s Month

March activities calendar: Celebrate the St. Patrick’s Month

In fact, March is the month when Irish people show most of their pride in Ireland’s History. Let’s learn more about the Irish culture and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day enjoying the happiness that we can only feel at this time of the year!

Take a look at the March activities calendar that SEDA College offers to their students this month and join these special classes and workshops.

St. Patrick’s week – Irish Cinema

In St. Patrick’s month with SEDA you learn by watching films, especially movies related to the history of Ireland. This Irish movie session is perfect for you. Especially in St Patrick’s Day week, we will have 3 days with films specifically aimed at telling the history of the country. Come, forward your seat on the couch and have fun with the options.

READ MORE: 7 Irish films for you to watch

History of Ireland Class

Do you fancy history classes? So this one is right for you. As a good exchange student in Ireland, learning about the country is never too much. In this class, a teacher will show the main landmarks in the history of the Emerald Isle, such as the revolutions and the wars for independence. It is worth checking because this class will be somehow connected to the week of Irish Cinema, which we will also have in SEDA this month.

External Exams Preparation

As every month, in March we will have Exams Preparation, such as PET, FCE and IELTS. Check out for which Exams you want to prepare yourself. See below the dates for them.

Irish Class

I bet you have already come across words like Sráid, Baile Átha Cliath, Slántie, etc all around Ireland. Then this is the time for you to learn these and many other words, in SEDA’s mini-course of Irish. In this class, a teacher will give the students some basic expressions, some important greetings, and also will show how to pronounce some words. Don’t miss this opportunity! Come and learn the second official language of Ireland.


Happy St. Patrick’s Month!

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