Início Guide to studying in Ireland How to learn English on exchange? Find it out!

How to learn English on exchange? Find it out!

A question is very common when someone decides to leave Brazil to live in another country: will I be able to learn English on the exchange?

The question is really pertinent, and the answer to that question is yes. And the speed you’ll learn depends a lot on the habits you cultivate there. After all, if you stay only among Brazilians, it will take longer to learn.

And as we know that your desire is to learn English on the exchange faster, we have separated 3 essential tips below that will speed up your learning. 

Come with us on this one.

1 – To learn English in the exchange, the shame you leave in Brazil

If you want to learn English faster abroad, the most valuable tip is: to leave the shame in Brazil. That’s right. Start getting along with the people who live there, make friends and practise your English.

Don’t be shy about saying you’re an apprentice and ask the person to speak more slowly with you. If you didn’t understand a word, ask to repeat, and gesticulate, until you understand.

Over time your vocabulary will be enriched. And before you know it, you’ll be speaking English completely fluently. So that’s our golden tip.

2 – Don’t isolate yourself only among Brazilians

Many exchange students when they arrive in Ireland have the habit of isolating themselves among Brazilians. In fact, it is the easiest way, and our mind instinctively seeks this ease.

However, if you just talk Portuguese with Brazilians, and speak only the essentials with the natives, the result is that it will take you much longer to become fluent. So, loosen up with the gringos.

3 – To learn English on the exchange, go further

Do you want to learn real English during your exchange? So don’t just study what you need in the classroom. Go beyond. Take advantage of your free time and study the grammar and terms a lot.

Train English with other Brazilians. Finally, put into practice everything you learned in class. The more you train, the more you excel and the faster you will learn to speak fluent English.

Do you want to clear all your doubts about the exchange program in Ireland? then click on this link and join our exclusive mentorship!

4 – Don’t leave it for later

Our last tip is: don’t put off what you can do today. That’s right, before leaving for another country, start studying English at a language school, or even online.

If you already arrive with a certain knowledge of English, it will be much easier for you to learn, and in addition, you will be able to better take advantage of the employment opportunities that often arise in Ireland.

So, what we have to say to you is: get ready before you go, when you get there don’t just make friends with Brazilians, loosen up when talking to foreigners and above all, study more than anyone else. Dedication is everything.

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