Início Culture and curiosities Half of young Brazilians want to live abroad

Half of young Brazilians want to live abroad

A recent survey carried out by FGV Social revealed that 47% of young people between 15 and 29 years old want to live abroad to improve their living conditions.

It should be noted that one of the reasons why so many people want to spend time outside Brazil is the great demand for the best-paid positions. Most require fluent English from applicants.

For those looking for a replacement, or starting their professional life, this is one of the biggest challenges faced in the job market.

Why do Brazilians want to live abroad?

The desire to live abroad, especially among young people, has several reasons. One of them is to ascend in life. In other words, many people see this opportunity as a chance to achieve a better condition.

Another point, no less important, is the demand in the job market. In an increasingly globalized world, the need for English has become even greater. Virtually all job openings require fluent English.

And only by attending a language school is it more difficult to achieve this. Another reason is the desire to discover new places, new cultures, climates, and habits.

Even with the advancement of technology, there is a tendency for immigration to increase every year. Both foreigners coming to live in Brazil and Brazilians going to live abroad.

Is it worth living abroad?

It is valid to say that there is no perfect life anywhere in the world. Even living in another country is quite a challenge. After all, you will have to speak a new language by force.

So in the beginning, the adaptation is challenging. Not to mention the climate, food and habits of the population.

So choosing a welcoming country helps a lot. Imagine if you move to a country where people are colder and more distant. This makes the adaptation process even more difficult.

At this point, Ireland stands out a lot. Because the country has a very welcoming culture. And this leads many students to choose the country as a destination.

Is it easy to get a visa to live in Ireland?

Another point that makes Ireland one of the favourite destinations is that the Stamp 2 visa aimed at students is easy to obtain. And with it you can stay up to 8 months in the country, being able to renew it twice.

In the end, you can spend up to two years there. After that period, you can apply for other visas if you want to stay there. Or go back to Brazil speaking fluent English.

Regardless of your ambition, the truth is that this time outside Brazil is very good. Well, it will allow you to learn English, have more independence and broaden your view of the world.

Not to mention that when you return to Brazil, you will be more prepared to compete for the most desired positions in the market. So, if you are part of a group of young people who want to live abroad, go after your dreams.

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