Início Guide to studying in Ireland 4 things that you are afraid of that you should get over...

4 things that you are afraid of that you should get over before a cultural exchange

plane at sunset

All kinds of change are scary, and cultural exchange also brings up this feeling. But you can’t let fear keep you from fulfilling your dreams, like studying abroad. See below some of the fears that you should overcome before a Cultural Exchange in Ireland.

We constantly get emails from people saying they really want to travel to Ireland, study and travel around Europe, but ‘I’m very afraid’. And they don’t stop asking questions of all kinds: What happens if I get sick? What happens if I don’t like the city? Do you think I can delay another year? Etc….

How healthy is this? We are not saying that you should not inquire before boarding and try to prevent any unforeseen events that may happen. But to what extent are these questions masking a fear that may be holding back your experience, have you ever stopped to think about it?


1) I want to travel, but I’m afraid of…

Nobody said getting out of the comfort zone is easy, but that’s where the magic happens, right? A prepared and organized trip in an institution with proper accreditations does not have to generate stress, on the contrary, you must feel excited!

Focus on what you will do and experience. Let the new opportunities come to you. Do not avoid them.

2) I’m afraid of not fitting in

If you travel to a country on the same continent, the impact is probably not significant. But as with the vast majority reading this post, travelling from Latin America to Europe can completely change the way you see and relate to the world.

It’s normal that you don’t adapt to everything in one day, but let the adaptation happen. The Irish are known for their kindness and you will be around students from all over the world who are in the same position. Although the language is different, kindness and respect pay off.

3) I’m afraid of not succeeding

You have already taken the first step of accepting the idea of living abroad. Now, whether you board the airplane or not, achieve your goals or not … It will all depend solely on you.

Each person’s learning cycle is different, it will not be on the second day that you will speak English as a native. Always do your best, it’s time to dedicate all your time and strength to yourself! Enjoy.

READ MORE: Are you prepared to live in Ireland?

4) The weather is complicated, isn’t it?

Does it really matter? Is the weather such an important factor in whether you choose to live outside your country or not?

Picture: Andrea Carla

In Ireland, it rains a lot but here you also have the opportunity to live every season of the year. Parks are crowded in summer and autumn is amazing with the leaves and colours of the season. How about seeing this up close?

Post translated and adapted from the original.

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