What is the essential accessory your baggage?

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A POSITIVE ATTITUDE in the face of new experiences is an excellent tool for your new routines, for the opportunity to start fresh and to promote new habits, cycles and for the accumulation learning. – No complaints. – We want to share with you a short list of indispensable elements for you to enjoy your experience in Ireland.

What aspects determine the success of your study abroad experience?


A different language is a different vision of life,” Federico Fellini said.  We would like this phrase to be your inspiration.  Always remember that your main objective is to achieve mastery of the new language; focus your efforts to achieve it!  Be grateful and take advantage of  your time in Ireland.  Wisely invest your spare time. Do not be a toxic traveler who only looks for reasons to complain (climate for example) …


To leave the comfort zone does not  only mean leaving your country; but also, to put aside the social groups that you regularly visited. You travelled so many miles to continue to write in the same Facebook and WhatsApp groups in Spanish??   It is not to say that you should stay away from your countrymen but bet on the new multicultural groups you meet.  Remember: That is part of your experience !!


It’s priority! Take care of your eating habits and be alert to the signals that your body gives you. You depend on yourself! Be sure to take vitamins and do some physical activity, such as walking through one of the city parks.


Take time to make a good plan for the weekends and know the cities of Ireland. Organize your eurotrip.  Make your list of countries to visit and start planning your longed trip. Create memories for life! There are millions of blogs with information and recommendations! Your classmates will probably have lots of tips for you!

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